Cozy Sundays
Cozy Sundays
Join in the Cozy in Downtown Mill Valley with Mother Cacao and Easy Breathwork 4:30pm - 6:00pm every Sunday through February 2025
Come through your senses into your body (soma), unwind from head to toe while aligning body, mind, and heart in present moment awareness.
The space to practice matters for deeper healing of layers, especially trauma, so with sheepskins on the floor, pillows and blankets abound, sacred objects , soft sounds, precious cacao, good people, a well held container, and your breath, we have the perfect recipe for regeneration, opening up, and letting go.
Through the gentle power of Easy Breathwork, activating hot chocolate, emotional/somatic release techniques, guided meditation, sound healing, and hands on assistance with somatic and energy work, you have an opportunity here to access deeper layers and release that which no longer serves you, for good.
Release old emotions
Discover your personal emotional holding patterns
Resolve trauma
increase somatic awareness
Feel embodied
align you heart, mind and spirit in the present moment
gain insight and understanding to the root of your pains, tensions, resistances and patterns of dissociation
Heal chronic issues
Learn easy at home practices for continued transformation and healing
Develop a natural, effortless and easy way of properly breathing
Increase your digestive capacity and tolerance for the intolerable
Create new patterns and habits through the awareness gained
and so much more
Sundays 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Upcoming dates: Feb 2nd, Feb 9th, Feb 16th, Feb 23
We gather in the cozy at The Living Room Collective in Downtown, Mill Valley. In an old European style brick building, with sheepskins on the floor and sacred objects abound, we welcome you to kick off your shoes and make yourself at home. Metered parking out front.
Sliding scale $35 - $55 per class
For sliding scale Venmo @TamaraAEdwards
13 spaces available per class
Venmo @TamaraAEdwards
CC: Through the site. Add to Cart
More on Easy Breathwork
More on Tamara Edwards